Thursday, March 19, 2009

Big Horn Show Spokane WA

Be sure to come down and talk with us at the Big Horn Show in Spokane, WA if your in the area. We are booth 63 and the show opens March 19, 2009 and closes March 22, 2009. Hunts are being snapped up fast with these low prices.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

An experience worth its weight in gold at Wolverine Valley Outfitters

Besides plenty of wild game and high denisities of big game animals found at Wolverine Valley Outfitters, we would like to share with you our passion for the experience that you are about to venture on. Located on the east slopes of the Rocky Mountains combined with the very unique topography only found in Northern BC, one will be transformed into another world and memories will be etched into your mind forever. This land is virtually untouched and offers the best in high mountain hunting adventures on the planet. Why do you think our area is home to practically every big game specie in Canada? It is a true paradise and one of the very few left for you to explore. The area hosts the largest number of natural waterfalls per sq mile in one area found in North America, actual dinosaur footprints and various fossils embedded in the rocks right on the territory, natural caves found in the alpine and many more interesting facts we would love to share with you. We are excited to share these experiences with you and look forward to meeting you in person in the Wolverine Valley.

Wolverine Valley Outfitters

Wolverine Valley Outfitters is live

Welcome to Wolverine Valley Outfitters new blog. This will be an exciting blog bringing you photos, videos, and audio podcasts directly to your computer from our territory. Its is sure to be a site to check back regularly.